The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Q and A

2000-05-10 - 01:57:52

Hey there, Readers...

I have a treat for you today. First off... I poured most of my energy into Tiger's post tonight, so I'm copping out here.

Secondly, because I'm copping out, I had a few friends post a couple questions or so to me so that I would answer them on the diary. So... without further ado...

From Melissa sent these to me...

carrisa_morgan: 1)Why do you love me so much?

Well... How could I not??? After all, you're the Queen of the Boot. You're My Bitch, and you put up with the stupid ass bitching that comes from my mind/mouth.

You're a woman of class, Mel. You give a damn about what goes on around you and you have the ability to communicate your thoughts and ideas clearly and succinctly.

I really appreciate that very, very much.

carrisa_morgan: 2)Who's your favorite dictator and why?

Mr. Potato Head.... I don't do that political stuff, babes. Dunno... just never wanted to have an opinion on that stuff.

carrisa_morgan: 3)If you could be any kitchen utensil, which one would you be and why?


Well, my memory's a sieve... (spaghetti strainer for those of you who don't know what a sieve is). But what would I be???? Hmmmm. Most likely I'd be a large measuring bowl. One of those two quart measuring bowls. Cause it can be used to hold, measure and holds to certain rules, but the rules can be bent to a certain degree.

Or something like that. Damn, good question.

carrisa_morgan: 4)If you could be any disease, what and why?

Hmmmmmmm... Probably addiction. Because it grows on people, kinda like moss?

It can be an addiction to a good thing or a bad thing... but addiction is what I would be. Cause then people would never be able to "kick" me. *grins* I'd come back to bite em on the ass... or rather, arm. I don't like eating shit.

*clears her throat*

Erm... Next...

carrisa_morgan: 5) If you either had to have bacon for fingers, or no fingers at all, which would you choose?

Well, I think I'd choose the bacon for fingers, just cause it would give me a way to feed my dog for a day or so. I'd worry bout the rest of it as time went by. *smirks*

Pulled that one out of your ass, did ya Mel?


carrisa_morgan: 6) If you could spend a day in anyone's mind who has a diary on d-land, who's and why. And you can't answer Uncle Bob.


*thinks about all the diaries she reads... all the mind's she's been invited inside*

Well, it wouldn't be my Addiction cause I think I'd stub my toes too often... and his mind seems to be a cacophony of thoughts tumbling, spinning and whirling around at super-sonic speed.

It wouldn't be my Addiction's Lady, as she seems to be wayyyyyyy too similar to me as it is. I see my thoughts tumbling from her diary so often it scares me.

I think... YEAH... If I could live within someone's mind for a while, it would be Monstre. I love what comes from her diary and I would really enjoy getting the chance to just sit within her mind, looking in awe at all the thoughts, images and words which comprise who and what she is. I would love to just rest in there for a while, ducking the swift thoughts which would lodge themselves within my head like a bullet to the brain, tho non-fatal...

I love what she writes... and I get just enough of a glimpse to know that I'd really like to know more.

Of course, I'd also like to be within Louis's mind too, but he and I talk about five times a week or so and I feel like I have already been invited inside his mind. And if I haven't been invited, then I'm just shoving my way in anyway. And he hasn't yet kicked me out. *smirks*

Anyway... these other questions were asked by... Louis.

captain_kludge: if you could have one wish in this world, but it could only affect 1 other person (besides yourself), who would it be for, and what would the wish be for?

My Sister. (adopted brother's ex wife)

I would wish that she actually, honestly realize her ex husband is not going to change. That he is not going to come back to her and the children and become the loving, doting father and husband she thought he could be.

That she realize he is damaged. That he was actually damaged from the womb. (Fetal Alcohol Affect/Syndrome) And that he just is not (at this time) capable of being the mature and intelligent man she thought he could be.

*smiles softly* I really wish she would realize that. That she would deal with it and finally move on with her life.

captain_kludge: What emotion of yours do you consider the least felt? As in, many people have absolutely no pity, so they would say pity.

*frowns thoughtfully* Hmmmm. That's a very, very good question. I've lived a very large part of my life being emotionally numb. So there are a lot of feelings I haven't felt for a long time.

But, one that I just don't feel? Or rather, feel the least...

I'd have to say vengeance. Tho that's not really an emotion... Whatever emotion it is that fuels vengeance, that's the one I feel least. I get angry and have been hurt desperately... but I've very, very rarely felt vengeful toward someone. Those few times, I've usually written out a story or something where the revenge was enacted and the emotions are gone/dealt with.

I don't really understand how that works with me, but it does. Once I've written out the vengeful action or whatever, whether I burn the "story" (which I've done often) or just keep it in some notebook that I find years later (which I've done far more often), as soon as it's written out... the desire to take revenge is gone.

captain_kludge: The third one is "Which religion disturbs you the most?"

I would have to say, besides Scientology, which I really don't know much about, but have been talking about with a couple friends tonight... Satanism.

I don't like it, I don't agree with it, and it scares me. I am actually very scared... thinking that there are people out there who really believe in worshipping Satan. Granted, there are a lot of folks out there who don't believe in God, but I've not met many people who don't believe in Satan.

I just don't know how... well... It just scares me. A lot.

Sends chills of icewater running up and down my spine.

And, on that note... I think I'm gonna jet on out. That should be a long enough entry for the Malk-o-matic. *chuckles*

Mucho love to all of you. And for information sake... if you send me questions... I'll answer them. I love answering questions. Either post them on my message board (the Talk to me link) or on my guest book (the Guest Book button) or email them to me (the Email link [email protected]).

Peace unto thy hearts, my friends.


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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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