The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Smiles All Around

Thursday, Dec. 26, 2002 - 6:08 pm

Well, isn�t this interesting? Here I am writing yet another entry. Aren�t you guys lucky? Yes, of course you are. And you love me dearly. *smirks*

As should be expected, I�m listening to music. Quite a few good choices today. Let�s see� Out of all the stuff I�ve got going, right now I�m listening specifically to Annie Lenox, her Medusa CD. I like this one quite a bit.

Every once in a while I just need a good kick from her. There is something in her music which speaks to me when I�m feeling a little� pissy. Perhaps it�s the no-bullshit attitude in general. Maybe I�m just looking for connections because I�m in that kind of mood.

Eh. Whatever.

Today my sister, Yvonne, is going to come over, bringing food stuffs. She�s bringing dinner, actually. One of the nicest things about her is that she will bend over backwards to provide you with what you need. She is a generous woman and will put herself in second place most of the time.

I have this feeling of� irritation.

Well, I did, but I just went outside, watched Joey scamper about a little bit, and the irritation is gone. This is going to be a wonderful day!

*growls* Well, it�s now about three hours after that upper portion and yet again I�m pissed as all hell.

I want to hit him. I want to bitch at him and yell and scream and curse and hurt him. I want to hurt him badly.

I won�t do any of those things, but the desire is there. He doesn�t remember being an absolute bastard yesterday. He doesn�t have the foggiest idea that he was a bastard today. But, true to form, if anyone else attempted to speak, he had to speak louder. If anyone wanted to hold an intelligent conversation, he had to interject his thoughts and steal the show.

He is such a damned, fucking, prejudicial bastard. Today he was talking about �gooks� and �krauts�. This coming from a man of German descent. What an asshole.

Man, my self control is so tremulous right now that I don�t think I should be writing. I�ll return to this when I have a little more self control.

Okay, so I have more self control now. I should, it�s the next day. Heh.

I�ve thought a lot about what Dad wants, what he wants to accomplish and all. I�ve also thought about what I need for my own life.

I still think it�s time to move on, time to stretch my legs again and start moving on down the road of my life. I�m not exactly sure how to do that, as yet. I�m working on it though.

I went to Chuck�s this afternoon and had a nice time writing and drinking coffee and smoking. Such a delightful experience, no? Heh. Yes, I will stop smoking. It�s on my list of things to do.

Eh. I really don�t feel like writing now. I�d rather just lose myself in some boring, brainless thing for a while.

I also need to work more on my paper. I�ve been studying a lot for it, but I�m getting a lot of confusion. Dunno what�s going to happen with that, but it�s not like I don�t have time. The paper isn�t due for another 5 weeks. Since I wrote the last one in about three days, and already have half of this one done, I don�t think there�s anything for me to worry about.

For now, I�m going to go watch TV for a while. I might just come back and write more later, but I don�t give any guarantees.

Love and sunshine to you all. *smirks*

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Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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