The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Necessary killing...

2000-05-21 - 23:28:06

H'lo there friends and lovers... Oh, wait... I'm celibate. None of you are lovers.

Well... perhaps we should just skip the whole lovers part. That whole conversation will only devolve.

I'm watching Grosse Point Blank at the moment. It's a John Cusack flick. I really like it. It came out a few years ago. I'm sure that most people would think it were stupid, dorky, juvinile or something else. Something negative.

Well, tough shit. I really like this flick. He's a hitman going back to his 10 year reunion. He's having second thoughts about being a hitman.

One of the reasons I like this flick is that it's more true than not. There are people out there who are hitmen and it shows some of the motivations, the mentalities, etc. I can't give you a mature and specific reason for why I like this flick. I know people like this. I really do. I've worked with them, I've socialized with them...

There are a whole hell of a lot of folks in this world who are oblivious to the undercurrents of real life. There are a whole lot of people who believe that we could live in a purely peaceful society.

Um... Hello? Is there anyone out there with half a brain?

The way our world works today, we NEED people like Richard Marcinko. We need people who will do the killing. There are some people out there who just NEED to be killed. I'm not some psychopathic head case. I'm not a lunatic, tho my friends could probably argue that. I'm not some uncontroled-melitia lobbiest.

I am a realist.

In a "perfect world" we wouldn't need to kill people. But, when's the last time you looked out the window and saw a perfect world? There ARE perfections in this world. There are people who are above reproach.

...............Interesting, totally unrelated note. My dog loves paper. He would rather play with a paper bag, than his chew bone, squeeky toys (yes, multiple toys), pull rope and stuffies. Just thought you might want to know..............

Regardless, we are not living in a "perfect world". And those of you who think we can attain a perfect world by putting away all the guns (gun control), getting rid of all the military systems and government people... you're way, way, way out in left field. And the rest of the world is playing Hockey.

Don't get me wrong here, folks, I am not a hitman, I do not condone pointless murder, nor do I condone madness and violence. However, I DO condone and support structured and well-thought-out counter-terrorism. I condone and support workable defense measures.

I condone and support the military, even tho there are a lot of problems with it. I condone and support our Government, tho I do not support some of the people who run it. I condone and support the system as it was set up by our founding fathers.

You may not agree with it. That is your right. However, I believe that this country is the best there is, governmentally as well as societally. Yes, there are many, many problems. Yes, the government has many corrupt people in it. Yes, there are many fuckered up people allowed to do a lot of fuckered up things... legally.

Think about this, tho...

We're allowed to do this LEGALLY. We are allowed to practice whatever religion we want. Even the extremes which I detest... Satanism, Scientology, Wicca. We are allowed to live wherever we want to. If you have the money to live there, you can live there. You don't have to have a permission slip from the chief of your tribe. You don't have to be of noble blood.

I read this somewhere, and I can't, for the life of me, remember where... But it's paraphrased like this... "I may not agree with what you do, but I will defend, to my death, your right to do it."

I, personally, would not join the military. I couldn't kill people for a living. I couldn't fight for a living. Like, my friend Melissa is planning on being a PR person... or something like that. She's told me at least three times and for the life of me I can't remember what her "job" is going to be.

Of course, most of that is because I don't deal with the political aspects of life. I support my government in different ways. I believe in the military.

Hey, I don't want to carry a gun into battle. But I am proud and feel quite privilaged to know many of the people who ARE willing. And who do so on a regular basis. I don't want to spend years at a time under the water in a submarine, but I am proud of those who do. I don't want to learn code and figure out how to encrypt and decode messages, but I am proud of those who do.

I believe that we citizens of America do NOT give our military enough credit. The Generals, Admirals, Commanders and other officers of our armed forces do NOT run the defenses of our country. The officers do NOT keep us safe and free. The Enlisted do. The Chiefs do. The officers do exactly jack shit for protecting and defending us.

This is my opinion.

I don't like war. I detest war. I hate it with everything I am. BUT, I am not blind to the need. I am not blind to the fact that in this world, in the condition we are now... War is sometimes necessary. And as a part of that, Death must happen. Killing must be done.

Perhaps you don't understand one the basic tenets of CT (Counter Terrorism). Do unto them before they do unto you. I believe in this. With everything I am.

Think about it... would you rather have another Oklahoma City bombing, or have a US counter terrorism force wipe out the badguys before they get to level the building???

Which would you rather have? 10, 15 even 30 bad guys get killed, or YOUR sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandchildren...


What do you want?

I would prefer that there was no need to kill anyone. For any reason. BUT, I would far rather have some asshole who has my mother in the sights of his sniper rifle, get his ass waxed by some CT specialist. I would rather some fuckered up "Tango" be kidnapped, tortured, interrogated and killed in the effort to stop some fuckered up plan, than the fuckin "Tango" get away with it.

God forbid it should happen, but, I would far rather pay 50% of my paycheck to support a few CT groups, then have the assholes running amok.

I don't think anyone in this world has the correct answer, the one, sure-fire, cure-all. BUT, I do believe that there is a real and viable need for well-organized fighters. I believe there is a real need for a well-organized and extremely well-supplied killing force.

I don't want to be in it. I don't want to run it. I don't want to watch them kill. BUT, I will pay for it. I will support the individual members. And if I ever have a place of business (I have, in the back of my mind, the desire to build the Lair IRL), I will provide them with a safe-haven to meet, drink, party and blow off steam. At no charge.

I wish Marcinko could actually create a team of shooters. I wish he could build up his group and use them as he saw fit. And if he ever gets the chance... Hell... Come and spend a few days in my neck of the woods. I'll make sure he's got all the Bombay Sapphire he wants.

*smiles softly, thinking*

I am a female. And I am opposed to violence. But I am not ignorant of the fact that violence takes place. As such, there is a need for those who can stop the violence. And laws aren't doing it. More rules only garners more people who break the rules.

Agree or disagree.

This is a free country. And, even if you're not in the US, your minds are free. You have every right to agree or disagree. Just don't look down on me for what I believe. I won't look down on you for what you believe.

And, if you hear a bunch of rowdy, roarin, drinkin shooters at the Lair, cmon in and join the party, but don't put down the military or what they accomplish so that we can sleep at night...

And this is my opinion...

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