The Tangential Chaos of A Child Of God

Dad's B-Day and Chat Plugs

2000-10-29 - 03:47:31

===Slipping from the headphones... Land Of Confusion: ===

Well, good evening, friends and family alike. Or something. *grins* It's been a long, long day, and I'm getting started on this entry a little later than usual. I'm sure you can forgive me for that, but just in case you can't, I don't beg so... well... I guess you'll just have to deal with it. *grins*

I was planning on giving a list of all those I've been chatting with, whose diaries I've read since meeting them in the Dland chat rooms. I have a list of those people at the end of this entry. But, because I didn't write them all down, I don't have everyone on here. If I didn't list your name and you wanted a mention, just send me an Email as [email protected] or post a message on my message board. The "Tell me what you think" link at the bottom of this entry.

===Slipping from the headphones... TubThumping: ===

As mentioned, today has been a very, very busy day. First off, it was my father's 61st Birthday, so we had a small party for him. And I use the term loosely. Very loosely. *chuckles*

===Slipping from the headphones... Everything You Want: ===

Anyway, we had a dinner and such... and there was good conversation, good feelings all around. It was a nice night. But then I went with my Niece in law to the hospital. She was in some pain, and we sort of convinced her to go to the hospital (she's 20) and found out she had a small infection. She got antibiotics and the like and is doing much better.

So, basically, I'm happy and she's happy and all is going well. *chuckles* This means I had a good day over all.

I was talking with Mosh a little earlier this afternoon, but got cut off too soon. *pouts* So, Mosh, I'm sorry for just disappearing like that. I didn't mean to. My system shut down on me. *pouts* I'm hoping your showing went well even if you didn't get to go. *smiles softly*

===Slipping from the headphones... Polka Power: ===

I've been wondering what to talk about in this entry. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of angst.

Breakers (the hotel) already filled the position they had available, so that option is out. *shrugs* C'est la vie, non? I"m actually contemplating going to the retail stores here in town, I just can't do the work they require. *chuckles quietly* I can't stand.

I mean, really... think about it... ME, standing to work retail. The all you can eat buffet for piranah with white-hot teeth.... complete with dessert bar. *chuckles*

Hmmmmm, I suppose I should come up with some new comment.... that's gettin kind of old... stale even. I wouldn't want to create a nemesis like Uncle Bob and Riot. *chuckles*

===Slipping from the headphones... What if God Smoked Canibus: ===

It's been interesting chatting with fellow Dlanders. And, I've seen Andrew in chat a time or two. I can't tell you what an honor and privilage it is to me to meet the creator of this fine and intricate world. It's cool in my opinion. Of course, I'm sure that many of you think I'm just blowing smoke up Andrew's ass, but I promise you, I've never seen Andrew's ass, nor have I even the slightest interest in blowing smoke up it. *chuckles*

===Slipping from the headphones... Alternative Polka: ===

Ass kissing has never been one of my strong suits. I don't like being false or fake. I don't like lying to people. And I don't like praising someone just to hear myself talk. Every word I say... Everything I find to praise someone on... is honest and truly felt/believed.

I don't go in for that flattery shit.

Sometimes I wonder what it is people think when I compliment them. If I've given you compliments, please tell me what you think... openly and honestly.

===Slipping from the headphones... Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm: ===

There's this person talking to me via Yahell Pager who is communicating with me thinking that one of my IDs (_Jessie_Lee_) is a real person. *rolls her eyes* I suppose he doesn't remember my telling him yesterday that she's not real, that she's only a character for my online role play. *shrugs* When people talk to any of my characters, thinking they're real people, I always correct them, telling them that the real person is from Washington State.

===Slipping from the headphones... You Don't Love Me Anymore: ===

Sometimes I don't understand what is so confusing about that. But then I realize that there's really only a very small portion of the population which deals with role play. I understand when foreign men don't understand role play... but cmon, you American/Canadian men.. and even the Australian men... you know at least something about Role Play... Hell, I've RPed with so many of your contemporaries...

I"ve just been asked by this one "gentleman" if I would moan for him. *rolls her eyes*

===Slipping from the headphones... Weenie in a Bottle: ===

I can understand when someone wants some sexual interaction, but please... I don't know this person, and they're trying to "make it" with someone that doesn't exist. *laughs softly*

I have NOT moaned for this individual. But I'm contemplating just typing *moan* for them. Just to make them feel better. *smirks* Always in for the customer service, don'tcha know. *laughs quietly*

===Slipping from the headphones... Hooked On Polkas: ===

And then, I have another conversation going, simultaniously, with a young friend of mine who seems to think that he just doesn't know everything he needs to know. *sighs quietly* What is it with people tonight? Cmon... there is mor than enough time in your life. If you don't have everything you want right now, then move yourself toward it and have a little patience... everything will come in time. Don't stress so much.

As Pauly Shore said in Encinoman Stress Less Bro.

*chuckles quietly*

Ya know... there are a lot of people who bitch and complain about Pauly Shore. And who think that anyone who likes Pauly Shore is mentally deficient. I don't........

*looks at herself* nevermind.


===Slipping from the headphones... Bohemian Polka: ===

You know, I just realized that I forgot to type out who is doing what song... I typed out the titleds of the song, but not the artists. *chuckles* I'm good today, dontcha think. *smirks* I'm also typo-ing like a mad-woman. *grins*

And, sometimes I think that's a more accurate description of me than not. *smirks*

And, for those of you who are Queen fans, as well as Wierd Al fans... I highly, highly reccomend this version of Bohemian Rhapsody. *chuckles* It's kick ass. I absolutely love Wierd Al's polkas. I really do. They're funny as hell. Never before had I heard Metallica done to a polka beat. *grins* Enter Sandman with the accordian. *grins* (That one's either Alternative Polka or Hooked On Polkas, can't remember which)

===Slipping from the headphones... It's My Life: ===

And I still love this song so much, ya know? It rocks. And it lifts me up. This one just sends me flying. My heart is like an open hiway Yeah... it is now. There was a long time there where my heart was like a dead end... in a dirty, industrial part of town.

But... I'm so alive now. And I'm realizing it IS my life. I just want to live while I'm alive That's so very true. So very true.

===Slipping from the headphones... God Called In Sick Today: AFI -- Suggested by Flatline ===

Mmmmmmmm... good song. But, it depresses me just a little bit tonight. My dear Flatline is leaving. He's going to be gone in about a week. And I will miss him tremendously. Of course, he'll still check in with those of us here in Dland, but I'm going to miss his bright smile and uplifting, fuzzy words of brightness and rainbows........

*chuckles quietly* Okay, NO, I have not been smoking his residue. *chuckles* I just like my Flatline. He's my friend. More of a friend than I ever thought he would be.

You know... there was a while there when I thought he and I would never talk again.... we had a fight. A fairly big fight. He's the reason I no longer play one of my characters. I got too into the character. *smiles softly* And he didn't like that.

I'm not saying the argument was completely my fault... but it wasn't his either.

===Slipping from the headphones... Who Wants To Live Forever: ===

I miss him already, ya know? I don't mean to insult anyone else, I really don't. But online I have many, many friends and acquaintences. I have only a few precious and close friends. Flatline is one of those. I respect him and believe in him. I know that if he put his mind to it, he would become anything he possibly wanted. Absolutely anything.

Of course, if he wanted to become President of this country, I'd probably scamper off to live in some other country. *chuckles quietly* As much as Flatline hates the people he deals with (and doesn't), if he were president... he'd push the button just to show the world he was disatisfied with it.

Okay, maybe not... but my money's on the end of the world coming within a week of Flatline's taking office. *chuckles*

Anyone else want in on this pool? *smirks*

I so see Flatline getting a radio talk show. I'd tune in just to hear him rant. Of course, I'd have to turn the volume way down cause his ranting tends to make me quiver in fear, but I'd still listen.

===Slipping from the headphones... Hold On My Heart: ===

I was thinking about something Katfish told me a few days ago... I was worried about being offensive... but Kat told me that I didn't offend... I annoyed, but didn't offend. *chuckles*

I don't want to be offensive. Or annoying for that matter. But, this was in reference to my comments about how I didn't like sex... And I don't. I never have. The sex I've experienced, as I've said many, many times in here, was very sub-par.

Mostly, I believe, because I wasn't emotionally attached to my ex as the act was going on. Partially because he just wasn't into that foreplay thing. Like... kissing. *chuckles*

Regardless... I'm not interested in sex, really. It's something that just doesn't appeal to me. I do, however, flirt heavily online. I flirt a lot. I enjoy that. My online persona is quite different from my RL persona.

Online, in chat and such... I'm gregarious, open, fun and talk.... a lot. *chuckles* I'm aggressive and will talk about sex and sexual matters with frank openness. However, if someone is actually talking with ME regarding sex with ME, not an online persona, I get really "real" really quickly.

===Slipping from the headphones... I Wish It Would Rain Down: ===

I shut up. I get quiet. I get reserved. Honestly, in my opinion, sex belongs in marriage only. My online persona doesn't reflect that though. Perhaps I should start being more real in my online dealings. Dunno. Maybe after I get married again (whenever that will be), and have a mate who loves me, and with whom I'm not afraid to be what I am, perhaps my RL persona will more accurately reflect my online persona. Dunno.

Is that confusing to anyone else?

*chuckles softly*

I have this dark side... As my new-found literary crush has pointed out... everyone has a dark side.

I have a couple, I think. But, for the most part, I just..... *shrugs* Dunno. I have this desire to play games.... Awww hell, I can't explain this for msyelf. I'll come back to this idea some time later.

===Slipping from the headphones... In The Air Tonight: ===

WOOHOOO, Charles is on... That just makes this day wonderful. I really miss talking with him. Sometimes I think Charles is the only reason I have any stability in my life. He's one of those few people I trust and rely on for more than they will ever realize.

There are more things I wanted to say, but whatever they were, they're gone now. *chuckles*

I've been waiting for this moment for all my life....

Prophetic? I think not.

*chuckles quietly*

I've always loved Genesis. Phil Collins too...

I truly feel blessed. Thank you for reading this diary, friends. You help my life move forward on its path. Having people who read this stuff that falls from my fingers is a refreshing experience. It validates my feelings. My ideas and beliefs as well.

Thank you.

Peace unto thy hearts.

===Slipping from the headphones... Invisible Touch: ===

===Slipping from the headphones... Never Let You Go: ===

Kat Fishie Mosh Fade In Gingi Pin Up AKA RaynBowBrite (spelling might be fragged on that one) Boogie Scribe The King

Fuck up Fuck Art Kelly Louis Sympatico but, he came in as Chance

===Slipping from the headphones... Land of Confusion: ===

===Slipping from the headphones... SleepWalker: ===

===Slipping from the headphones... You Don't Love Me Anymore: ===

And, that's all the people I can remember off the top of my head... that I've chatted with in the Dland chat room. OH, Riot was there too... Riot

Love to you all, friends and family... and .... something.


Peace unto thy hearts. Always.

===Slipping from the headphones... The Flame: ===

Before {{==|==}} After

Previous Five Entries

How Come Is It?
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2008

Dating Questions
- Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2008

Tired Puppy
- Sunday, Jun. 22, 2008

Dreams and Demons and Armor
- Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2008

Temporary Apologies (sort of)
- Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008

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